Funny facts about Sudoku puzzles

Funny facts about Sudoku puzzles

As the best choice of the puzzle lovers around the world, there are a lot of things that can be learned about Sudoku puzzles. If you never played Sudoku before, maybe few funny facts will make you give the game a chance.

  • Sudoku is not just a “corresponding” name for this puzzle. In Japanese “Su” means a number, while “Doku” means only/single. So Sudoku means “only single digits”.
  • While talking about the name Sudoku, did you know that the Japanese they don’t call it by that name? They call it by the name given from the original creator of the game: The place of the number.
  • In fact, Sudoku is not even a Japanese game. Originally it was invented by the swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler and reworked by the American Howard Garnes. Later on the game was popularized by the Japanese publisher Nicole. The game became popular in the rest of the world until 2004 when Wayne Gould convinced Times magazine in London to publish it.
  • British airlines forbid their hostesses to solve Sudoku during take-offs or landing.
  • There are about 5, 472,730,538 valid Sudoku puzzles and you’ll need a whole lifetime to solve them all.
  • Sudoku is a logical game and doesn’t require any mathematics. Sometimes even the Sudoku puzzles come with pictures, letters or symbols instead of numbers.
  • Sudoku is the only game that has become so appealing and known to 1980 year, when the Rubik cube was invented, which was loved by the puzzle fans.
  • Sudoku puzzles are played so often that no one knows exactly how many people play it. Assessing the exact number is impossible, because people are playing in different forms- on paper, on the internet or on downloaded versions.
  • No other puzzle has ever been considered for a good prevention of illnesses such as depression, blood pressure and Alzheimer.